God has a big goal for you. What is that 'big goal', and how do you discover it? To answer these questions, we need a common starting...
Let's start with a few questions: Why is Jesus Christ important? How does a person enter into a dynamic relationship with...
The young woman pronounced that it was her body, and she would use it anyway she wanted. In our modern western culture, “it’s my body”...
Brian felt dejected. He had just finished leading the adult Bible study at his church. He had studied the topic thoroughly, followed...
If you knew your future, wouldn't that change your present? Recently, I was chatting with some Christians when the topic of future...
In modern Western societies, it is fashionable to dismiss the good news of Jesus Christ as irrelevant. Other things appear more real...
What is this heresy? What can we do about it? A notable heresy A. W. Tozer writes in I Call It Heresy (pp. 9-10): “… a notable...
To hit a target, first locate the bull's-eye. For the Christian, the target is being a disciple, and making disciples, of Jesus...
How can you recognize a disciple of Jesus Christ? In some circles, discipleship is measured by activities such as reading the Bible...
“Why should I make disciples?” As I examine my own reasons, I listen again to Jesus in Matthew 28:18-20. Here are five areas to test...
How do we make disciples? In the last few posts we’ve asked some big questions about discipleship: What is a disciple? How can...
Two action words describe how we make disciples. The first is baptizing which we dealt with in the previous post. The second is...
Dallas Willard’s The Great Omission and Frank Viola’s Discipleship in Crisis capture something of the overall malaise in the current...
My conviction has been stated before: Matthew’s gospel is a paradigm for making disciples of Jesus Christ. This raises the question,...
The second lesson for a disciple of Jesus Christ is in the second section of Matthew’s ‘Story’ (Matthew 1:18-25). “What’s the first...
Have you ever met a leper? I haven’t. You probably haven’t either. So, how is this relevant to you and me? Let me show you. Three...
Here is a basic principle for interpreting the Bible. Early in a book of the Bible, the author educates his readers to read the text...
Kurt Vonnegut, famously included this bit of bathroom graffiti in his novel, Deadeye Dick: To be is to do – Socrates To do is to be...
The Sermon on the Mount (SM) is the greatest, and best known, sermon in history. Unlocking the SM, and letting it permeate your heart...
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