Having surveyed the participants in the dynamic relationships among God, Christians, and Culture, we now explore those relationships....
What do you think of these traditions? Vehicles in North America drive on the right side of the road; in the United Kingdom on the...
In previous blogs we noted that the word ‘culture’ is one of the most complicated words in the English language, and that the word...
Do you want a key that will unlock some of the mystery of cultures? “Yes,” he replied. Three primary colors To shake up his...
Culture is one of the most difficult words to define, and it does not occur in the Bible. So, what is culture? How does it impact life...
“What is a Christian?” How would you answer this question? For me, I thought it would be easier to answer. Pat answers using...
God, n. 1. A three-lettered word representing a proclivity for controversy, conflict, vagueness, and doubt. This is not an official...
What factors are common to every human whenever they live, wherever they live, and however they live? In other words, what are absolute...
Once upon a time, I was privileged to be with a keen group of people for a few days. We were a mixed group including farmers,...
There was a radical shift in Canadian society on Friday, June 15, 2018. Perhaps we could say that the dominant culture showed its true...
What do you think if you sit at a sidewalk café with a cup of coffee and watch people go by? When I do this, I’m struck by the immense...
More and more, we are rubbing shoulders with people from other cultures. We need to grow more culturally aware to be more effective in...
The tale is told that in or about the year 1210 Francis of Assisi had an audience with Pope Innocent III. During their meeting, the...
What is God’s relationship toward Culture? Some say that God is totally indifferent to Culture. Others propose that God is only...
My title is ambiguous. Winding-up can mean bringing something to an end. It can also be energizing something, such as winding up an...
What are your expectations of Starbucks? Back in December 2015, a news item grabbed this headline: “Christians Livid After Starbucks...