How much do you know about the Holy Spirit? This post is the beginning of a new series about the Holy Spirit. I believe that knowing...
Which book of the Bible mentions the Holy Spirit more than any other? Give yourself full marks if your answer is Acts. Seventy times...
We use metaphors all the time for a reason. They help us understand better. The Bible uses several metaphors for the Holy Spirit so we...
A few years ago, my sons and I purchased a TR6 automobile. In 1972, it came into the world as a fine new roadster. Over the years, its...
Imagine a very important person you respect greatly is coming to live in your home. How would you feel? Probably honored, yet...
The young woman pronounced that it was her body, and she would use it any way she wanted. In our modern western culture, “it’s my...
If you knew you would die within the next 24 hours, what would you say to those closest to you? Jesus met with his close followers,...
What are you allowing to fill your life? Somehow, at the end of each 24 hours, our days have been filled with eating, sleeping,...
What does it mean to walk by the Spirit? Once, at a wedding celebration, an older couple gave a delightful exhibition of ballroom...
I have so many questions and so much to learn. For me, writing is a process of searching and discovering. My posts are your invitation...
What is baptism with or in the Spirit, and how is it important to you? The answers are often contradictory and confusing. This post...
“What is the baptism in the Spirit?” probably raised some questions for you. Here are three common questions. Do I need to be...
What does it mean to be anointed? And who is anointed? If you are anointed by God, what difference should that make for your life?...
We begin this new series on spiritual gifts with a well-known illustration. Jesus has just returned to heaven after his crucifixion...