Have you ever had a good relationship evaporate? I had a good friend in high school. We lost touch gradually. I studied to become a...
What do you think of the following statement? How you respond to someone is the measure of your relationship. When someone takes...
The other day I re-heard an oldie but a goodie. Q: “How can you be guaranteed never to forget your wedding anniversary?” A:...
Conflict happens. An older couple was appalled. They were part of a conversation in which we were discussing some of my research at...
How do you experience relief, even healing, from the unpleasant emotions and burdens that flow from a damaged relationship? Many...
If forgiveness is the process of rebuilding damaged or broken relationships, what damages or breaks a relationship? You're probably...
Forgiveness is at or near the heart of God. It is difficult to name a subject more important to the life of Christians. And yet, it is...
ALERT means vigilant; fully aware and attentive; wide-awake. It is also our acrostic for knowing God: A.L.E.R.T. As many have...
Does a command to love someone seem strange to you? A young mother loves her infant. A young husband loves his wife. Neither the...