Photo credit: “Hand of an extraordinary man” by J. Rafael Pintos-Lopez (2007) from his website at...
Does a command to love someone seem strange to you? A young mother loves her infant. A young husband loves his wife. Neither the...
If you knew you would die within the next 24 hours, what would you do, who (if anyone) would you spend the time with, and what would...
Is this a strange title, or what? Let me begin by introducing you to the indicative-imperative principle. Consider parents who demand...
How can we love like Jesus? This is the question this series has been working toward answering. “So, what’s the answer?” This...
How does a grapevine help us answer the question this series explores? “How can you love like Jesus?” Jesus intends that you and...
How can you enrich your understanding with word or phrase studies? Our focus is agapē-love. What is agapē-love, and how can you...
At times, the English language lets us down. These are two of those times. First, in Greek, the 16 qualities of love in 1 Corinthians...
By my count, nine of the 16 qualities of love in 1 Corinthians 13 are negative—what love is not. We explored the initial two qualities...
What are these two more things love is not? Love is not rude; it is not self-seeking. Together, the traits of rudeness...
Two behaviors that are poison in any relationship are exploding anger and keeping memories alive of wrongs suffered. What is the...
Believe it or not—love discriminates. Love chooses what and what not to rejoice in, delight in, and celebrate. In 1 Corinthians 13:6,...
What does it mean that love bears all things and endures all things? What is the difference between “bears” and “endures,” and what...
The group laughed as they concluded how naïve and gullible Christians must be. This imaginary discussion included Friedrich Nietzsche,...
What does this saying mean? “Lock the door and throw away the key.” It is a metaphor. We are not talking about incarcerating...
Failure permeates our lives and societies. We fail in a task; someone lets us down; a crucial piece of equipment fails; a government,...