Where do we start if we want to learn about being a genuine leader—not a fool or an impostor? There are almost as many starting points...
Leadership, like marriage, is one of those things Culture is messing up. Marriage has certain biblical essentials. It was designed by...
In high school we used litmus paper to reveal whether a solution was acidic or alkaline. This has become a metaphor. Litmus test: “a...
What is Jesus’ core teaching on leadership? If I had to choose one text or concept, I would probably point to Mark 10:35-45. Take a...
By your definition of a leader does Darth Vader qualify? On several occasions in the last few years, people have proposed definitions...
Can we improve on 'servant-leadership'? I propose 'shepherd-leadership'. One author points out that, in the Bible, “the shepherd...
Robert Greenleaf’s concept of servant-leadership has gained wide acceptance. Yet, in a recent conversation, the discussion turned to...