Have you travelled much? In most places it is difficult to miss the religious sites. The largest religious monument in the world is...
Does it matter what you worship? If it does, here’s another question: How does what you worship impact how you live? ...
“What is your favorite idol?” "I don't worship idols!" Hmm ... are you sure? What is idolatry? One useful definition of an...
Are idols a problem for you? They certainly are for many of us. I have puzzled over the last words of John in one of his...
How do you weed out idols that take root in your soul? These idols are more common and less recognizable in our Western cultures....
Does God ever change his mind? To explore and answer this question, let’s take a fresh look at an ancient incident. An ancient...
What is your favorite idol? "I don't worship idols!" you reply. Are you sure? Your favorite idol may be something you don't even...