God, n. 1. A three-lettered word representing a proclivity for controversy, conflict, vagueness, and doubt. This is not an official...
When God says to you, “I love you,”—what does He mean? I have a few questions about love—and not because I’m a hopeless unromantic. ...
Photo credit: “Hand of an extraordinary man” by J. Rafael Pintos-Lopez (2007) from his website at...
We explored the greatest of the commandments in the previous post. Now we turn to the second greatest. To refresh our memories, here...
How can you enrich your understanding with word or phrase studies? Our focus is agapē-love. What is agapē-love, and how can you...
At times, the English language lets us down. These are two of those times. First, in Greek, the 16 qualities of love in 1 Corinthians...
By my count, nine of the 16 qualities of love in 1 Corinthians 13 are negative—what love is not. We explored the initial two qualities...
Believe it or not—love discriminates. Love chooses what and what not to rejoice in, delight in, and celebrate. In 1 Corinthians 13:6,...
Failure permeates our lives and societies. We fail in a task; someone lets us down; a crucial piece of equipment fails; a government,...