In a world that yearns for genuine love, we need to ask and answer some important questions.

This series begins by asking "What is love?" It responds with the more important question, "Who is love?"

The Bible answers with "God is love."

The next questions are, "What does that mean, and what does that look like?"

The answer is "Jesus."

The natural question then is, "How can I love like Jesus?"

This resource will continue to be developed, so feel free to contact me with your comments and questions. 

Here are the current posts in their order of appearance. Simply click on the title to read the post.

1. What is Love?

2. Do we need a command to love God? 

3. A Pagan Shows Us How to Love 

4. What Does Love Look Like? 

5. Loving like Jesus and the indicative-imperative principle 

6. Love Like Jesus 

7. How to Love Like Jesus    


Photo credit: John B. MacDonald © 2016 all rights reserved