Here is a selection of the more popular posts for living theology in 2024.
In most cases, I have provided the resource link for the series from which a post is taken. Just click on the title to read the post.
1. “What Does ‘Chosen in Christ’ Mean?” This post briefly explores the subject of divine election in Ephesians 1:4—God “chose us in him before the creation of the world.” You might be surprised and encouraged by the conclusion. It is part of the series “Being ‘in Christ.’”
2. “400 Years of Turmoil in 10 Minutes” presents major events of the Inter-testament period. It is one of 16 parts of the Historical Backbone of the Bible, a guided reading of the Bible’s historical narratives. This series is currently being produced for an online course and will be removed from living theology in the near future. If you are interested in pursuing the online course, and it is no longer available on this site, you can find it at
3. “Is there Rational Evidence for the Resurrection?” is a contribution by Dr. Gordon E. Carkner for the Easter season.
4. “5 Ways the Return of Jesus Matters to You” is one post in the short series “Reclaiming Eschatology,” examining the significance and relevance of last times.
5. “5 Book Reviews for You” is a selection of mini-reviews in the popular collection of Book Reviews.
6. “What Does It Mean to be Human?” raises and responds to this vital question. It is the opening post for “Being ‘in Christ.’”
7. “What Does ‘in Christ’ Mean?” is another segment of the “Being ‘in Christ’” series exploring the significance and relevance of what it means for a person to be ‘in Christ.’
8. “Why Read the Bible?” In this post, I share five reasons why I read the Bible, which are rooted in my growing appreciation for the Book of books. At the end of the post, you will find a link to a YouTube video of a fuller version of this subject.
9. “Exploring the Sacred Depths of Gethsemane.” This is one of several posts in a series exploring how Jesus engaged in conflict (“When Conflict Happens”), and a model for our own responses in conflict.
10. “An understanding of prophecy that will make a difference” is the opening post for the short series “Reclaiming Eschatology.” It seeks to reignite interest in an important and often-ignored biblical subject.
Here are two honorable mentions:
11. “What Is God’s Great Purpose for You?” is the first post of 2025. It offers a solid biblical introduction to one of life’s greatest questions.
12. “8 Qualities of Shepherd-Leaders” has been the most-read post for several years. It is also the all-time-most-read-post on, with over 60,000 views and counting. It is part 6 of the series “Reclaiming Leadership.”
Many other free resources are available under the “Resources” tab.
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Photo credit: Darwin Bell on Visual Hunt / CC BY-NC