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What do you think of the Book of Revelation?

Perhaps you have concluded it is:

  • Unintelligible,
  • Irrelevant,
  • Fertile ground for end-time fanatics, or,
  • Something else.

Although the film industry seems to link the Revelation with sensational apocalyptic plots involving religious ‘nut jobs,’ that’s no reason to write it off. After all, Hollywood usually gets it wrong when it comes to Jesus.

I argue that the Revelation is neither irrelevant nor incomprehensible—although it can be difficult.

In the Historical Backbone of the Bible (click to download), we are reading to learn the basics of God’s ‘Story.’ Although the genre of Revelation is much more apocalyptic than historical narrative, the ‘Story’ would not be complete without it.

The Revelation opens with these words (1:1-3 NIV):

The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.

Here are seven (7) signposts to guide us through Revelation: 

1. It is the “revelation of Jesus Christ.”

As you read, remember always to keep Jesus Christ in view. It is the revelation of Him, or, in Greek, apokalupsis, which means His “uncovering.”

2. It is entrusted to John, the apostle.

This is the same John who wrote the Gospel according to John. When he wrote the Revelation, he had known and followed Jesus for the better part of 70 years. We can trust what he writes.

3. It is about God and Jesus Christ.

John testifies to “everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.” As you read, focus on what God (the Father) is doing and where Jesus Christ (the Son) is in that. Again, remember that it is the “revelation of Jesus Christ.” 

If our focus shifts to understanding Revelation as a map of future events or a discourse on the activities of the “beast” or the meaning of the plagues, we are missing the point. Keep your attention on the activities of God and Jesus Christ.

4. You will be blessed by reading and taking the Revelation to heart. 

Here is what it says at 1:3:

“blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it.”

Even if you do not understand everything you read, read with the expectation of being blessed.

5. Your understanding of Jesus will be expanded.

For instance, stand with John as he turns around to see the voice speaking to him (1:12-18). Language seems to fail John as he attempts to describe the Lord Jesus. He has to use similes—imagery that is rooted in the Old Testament—such as:

  • his hair is white like wool,
  • his eyes are like blazing fire, and
  • his feet are like bronze glowing in a furnace.

As you read through the Revelation, notice how Jesus Christ is described, and make it an opportunity to reflect and worship.

6. Revelation must be seen from John’s perspective.

Jesus commands John (1:19):

“Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later.” 

Note the two time horizons:

  • “what is now” (that is, John’s reference point near the end of the 1st Century), and
  • “what will take place later.”

The messages to the seven churches in chapters 2-3 describe “what is now,” but they also contain promises to those who overcome and warnings to the unfaithful. To John, a substantial part of what follows is “what will take place later.”

John most probably wrote the Revelation during the last years of Emperor Domitian’s reign (81-96 AD). Even before Domitian, Roman emperors demanded worship of themselves as divine persons. The refusal of Christians to participate in this emperor worship often resulted in severe persecution, even death.

One theme of Revelation is the inevitable collision between ‘Empire’ and the Kingdom of God. ‘Empire’ is exemplified by references to Babylon (and all succeeding empires) with its imperial pretensions against the reign of God. ‘Empire’ includes the Roman Empire and, more recently, other manifestations such as the British Empire, Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, and Capitalist America.

The ‘collision’ between ‘Empire’ and the Kingdom of God appears to give ‘Empire’ (in whatever form it takes) the initial victory. In this context, the people of God are warned not to worship the beast and his image—despite the persecution that results (14:9-10; 18:4).

The message of Revelation is that God, not ‘Empire,’ is in control of history. God will ultimately triumph, and his people will be vindicated (e.g., 12:10-12).

7. Revelation is permeated with the Old Testament.

Although there are few (if any) specific quotations of the Old Testament in Revelation, there are over 400 allusions woven into this book. Among many others, you will recognize images and themes from:

  • Genesis 1-3;
  • the plagues from Exodus;
  • imagery and visions from Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel (although you might not have read those prophetic books yet).

Subjects and themes introduced in the first three chapters of Genesis find corresponding resolutions in the last three chapters of Revelation. Here are a few to get you started:

  • a river (Gen. 2:10-14; Rev. 22:1-2);
  • a serpent (Gen. 3:1, 15; Rev. 20:1-3, 10); and,
  • the tree of life (Gen. 2:9; 3:22, 24; Rev. 22:2, 14, 19).

Compare Genesis 1-3 with Revelation 20-22. How many other correspondences can you identify? What is their significance?

This correspondence of subjects and themes at the beginning and end of the 66 books of the Bible is technically called inclusio—much like bookends or a picture frame. Despite being written about 1500 years apart, this is one of many evidences of the Bible’s perfection, fullness, and completion.

As you read the Revelation, among other things, expect:

  • to be blessed,
  • to put your confidence in God’s ultimate triumph, and
  • to have your vision of the Lord Jesus Christ expanded!

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